I'm quickly approaching my one year runniversary and I've been doing some reflecting about the past 12 months worth of races. I'm guilty of getting a bit caught up in all of the weight loss hype and losing sight of why I started all of this. Today I took a look back at pictures from the last year and could hardly believe it. Not because of the changes in my body, but because of how much I was able to push myself and conquer each new goal I set for myself. When all this started last November my goal was simple, do at least one 5k race a month. That was it. Of course I made other goals for myself but none of those were fitness related, they were just general goals for my life. I could have never imagined that from that one goal I would become an endurance athlete, start a blog or anything else that's come of this crazy ride.
Now that I've come full circle and will be running the same race I started with a year ago, I couldn't be more proud of what I've accomplished. In that time I have finished over 30 races including obstacle course races, a half marathon, a triathlon and more than a handful of 5k and 10k runs. I guess you could say I'm an overachiever. Somewhere along the way I realized that the harder I worked, the more my body changed and in turn the more I was able to push myself to accomplish. So while losing weight wasn't the original goal, it became part of the process and I can proudly say I've lost over 40 pounds.
A year later from that first step and I have so many new goals that giving up and going back are not options. I will continue to challenge myself, because with each new victory I gain the strength to tackle the next obstacle.
From Day 1, to now...what a years worth of racing looks like |
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