As my season ends (only thing left is the Milwaukee Running Festival), I've started looking at my calendar for 2017. Normally I have an "A" race or goal that I'm working towards. For 2016 it was the half iron, 2015 was the triple challenge, 2014 was my first Olympic, and 2013 was my first tri ever. As I reflect back on my previous races and plan for the future my "A" goal is to go back to the basics. I won't be getting my half iron redemption next year, I'll get it eventually but I'm going to wait until I KNOW I am ready to tackle that beast again. The full iron is still a stretch goal but it isn't anywhere on the horizon at the moment. I want to go back and embrace the shorter distances, increase my speed, and really learn to love triathlon again. I got so caught up in always needing to get to the next distance that I wasn't really enjoying the journey along the way anymore.
So, 2017, I'm putting it out into the universe that you shall be my year to get back to the heart of the matter. I'll do sprints, relays, aquathlons, runs, and perhaps even an oly if I'm feeling up to it...but my challenge will be in improving myself as an athlete. Tentatively I have a few races on the list to consider for next year but for the first time ever I haven't registered for a single one yet. Anyone want to join me for a relay?