In the wake of post marathon return to reality I've gotten way off track. My goals seem muddled and I can't seem to focus. I realized I've been neglecting writing here and that probably has a lot to do with my accountability to myself. So here's a little recap of what's been going on and a look at things to come.
The week after the marathon I basically ate anything I could for a solid week. No joke. I seriously couldn't stop eating. I did the Monster Dash 5k at the end of that first week and walked most of it (this was mostly due to the pain I was still feeling in my poor little pinky toe). The pain kept me from doing much running and I knew that the 15k I had planned in November would be rough. I'll have separate race recaps for those but it was just as bad as I thought it would be. I struggled to get through it and hated most of it. I ended up gaining about 10lbs and then finally made it back to the gym to shed the newly added weight. Things were looking up but then my birthday and Thanksgiving happened, oh hey there extra 10lbs welcome back! I was able to get back into my running groove thankfully and hit a PR for the Turkey Day 8k.
Fast forward to December. No races planned, no events on the horizon, nothing to really look forward to or work towards. For me, this has been a recipe for disaster. What I've realized over the last couple of weeks is that I need to have a goal in mind. Without it, it's like I'm traveling along a journey with no map and no light to guide the way. I'm just walking blindly. Finally my unofficial running coach hit me with a pep talk about race goals. Finally, I have something to work towards. The plan is to drop 20 pounds and increase my strength and speed.
So here are some big things I have on the horizon:
-Little Rock Marathon
-Battlefrog 15k
-Spartan Trifecta
-Chicago Triathlon Triple Challenge
I'm hopefully focusing more on my triathlon racing this upcoming year and less on the long distance running. I'll also have more obstacle course races mixed in than in years past.
With all that said, I'll also be making a few changes to the blog. I'll be adding more recipes, giveaways, reviews, etc. Can't wait to share all the stuff I've had stored up for you guys! And as always, questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome!
Yay for Little Rock Marathon! It is on my list for 2016.